In order to attend and participate in St. Athanasius Theological Seminary, the following items must be submitted (Note: Continuing students should submit an online Semester Application Form for the current semester only):

  1. A complete online program application form.
  2. A personal statement up to 750 words outlining any services you are currently performing in your church and your reasons for wanting to attend the Theological Seminary Program sent to Student Affairs via email in a Word document.
  3. A recommendation letter. Forms should be filled CONFIDENTIALLY by your church priest online. The Director for Students Affair will contact your priest, indicated on your online program application, directly with instructions.
  4. A copy of the highest degree attained but not less than a certificate of high school diploma sent to Student Affairs via email.

This application process will determine whether or not the candidate is accepted into the program. When application material is complete, a notification email will be sent to the student informing them of their admission status. Applications should be submitted by March 15 (for the Spring Semester) and June 15 (for the Fall Semester).